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Verified Vaccine Cards For Sale Private individual

2 years ago Services Carlsbad   894 vues

$ --

  • verified-vaccine-cards-for-sale-big-0
Localité: Carlsbad
Prix: $ --

Verified Vaccine Cards For Sale 


Hello greetings,

Am doctor Jake Arthur a medical practitioner for 10years. Since the outbreak of covid19 I have been doing alot of research with the help of many other doctors around the world and we have realized the vaccine is very dangerous and most be avoided by all cause. My dream of becoming a doctor was to safe life's that's why I am helping people get vaccine digital certificates and also registration on the database without talking the vaccine, this is a risk I decided to take just for the purpose of saving life's. If your interested feel free to contact me for details or you can help Share to save life's . For security reasons I use this US number on call and WhatsApp , help share many life's depends on your help. TEXT ,CALL , WHATSAPP +14349332227

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