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Roller Blinds in Auckland Professional

3 years ago Services Auckland   617 vues

$ --

  • roller-blinds-in-auckland-big-0
Localité: Auckland
Prix: $ --

Custom made blackout roller blinds are made to create a sense of total privacy. Our Auckland-made Blackout Roller Blinds provide insulation to your home, are great for sensitive sleepers and are an easy way to add practicality and style into your household. If you are looking for blackout blinds or roller blinds Auckland, Cedar Blind Specialists have a great range with quality installation services. Our surprisingly stylish roller blinds are versatile and serve as a practical solution for a variety of purposes, such as serving as a sun blind or shade, or adding an extra layer of privacy for a room. We provide dual roller blinds that combine two separate rollers into one system, as well. Dual rollers have one transparent sunscreen blind that keeps out UV rays and inquisitive eyes while still allowing you to see outside. The second block-out blind on the other hand provides your room full coverage that is perfect at night.

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