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Puppy and Kittens vaccination series - Oxfordanimalvet Professional

4 months ago Pets & Mascots Edmonton   100 vues

$ --

  • puppy-and-kittens-vaccination-series-oxfordanimalvet-big-0
Localité: Edmonton
Prix: $ --

Looking for Puppy and Kittens vaccination series? Look no further! We have been providing compassionate and professional pet care. Oxford Animal Hospital is a full service veterinarian specializing in cats, dogs and small animals. Dr. Tamer and his team of skilled veterinarians and Technicians are ready to help you and your furry friend with anything you might need. Conveniently located in the Oxford Park Centre in Edmonton, our veterinarian with Oxford Animal Hospital has been providing compassionate and professional pet care to the Albany, Oxford, Castledown, Claireview and Casselman areas since 2015. For more information, you can visit our website:-

 Contact us by email address:-

Also call us:- 780-705-2131


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