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Atrocit!es against America and the world Professional

1 year ago Services Vacaville   578 vista

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Ubicación: Vacaville
Precio: $ --

DARPA is experimenting on Citizens of the United States including veterans and any citizen


They did it in the 1950s-1970s and they are doing it right now


As a US Citizen, You are a Test Subject for any “product” they are developing


They are unregulated govt bodies acting as d!ctators spending our money (so exclusively that the president has to get prior authorization before visiting these places)




they opened up their biological sector in 2014… If they are working on medical advancements why aren’t we seeing

them much? Perhaps they are once again working on v!ruses and BS as their track record has shown.


they report to the senior department of defence management, and that’s it


Read more: https://usatrocities.webador.com


For more info, contact Nicholas Blankenship


